What comes next?  

Release date: 2025-04-01

The hot blonde

Release date: 2025-04-08

A hot brunette

The Wild Girls

25.03.202587:04 Minuten
The Wild Girls 1
The Wild Girls 2

In this project two girls continued their drinking the morning after a party and made some wild and crazy things at home.

YFZ Exclusive - A dynamic puristic Drunk Fetish Session 1
YFZ Exclusive - A dynamic puristic Drunk Fetish Session 2

Here comes another sensitive project with two hot amateur girls only available for 4 weeks. All main conversations are in English and Czech. Preview clips with amateur girls will now be technically modified to protect the models. The original recordings are only available for our members. It is strictly forbidden to distribute this movie in the internet.

The second meeting with Jane

11.03.202599:01 Minuten
The second meeting with Jane 1
The second meeting with Jane 2

Here comes another edition with this hot girl. All conversations are in Czech.

YFZ Bonus - Two girls outside

04.03.202563:55 Minuten
YFZ Bonus - Two girls outside 0

Unterstütze uns und bekomme ZUGRIFF auf dieses Update.

Here comes another sensitive project with 2 amateur girls . All conversations are in Czech. Preview clips with amateur girls will now be technically modified to protect the models. The original recordings are only available for our members. It is strictly forbidden to distribute this movie in the internet.

The crazy home shooting

25.02.2025120:10 Minuten
The crazy home shooting 1
The crazy home shooting 2

Here are Kitty & Vanda  back with a crazy drinking session at home. All conversations are in Czech and English.

Irina is wasted again

11.02.202583:14 Minuten
Irina is wasted again 1
Irina is wasted again 2

Here comes another intense session with her. All basic conversatiosn are in Czech.

Drinking Peeing Yoga

04.02.2025127:09 Minuten
Drinking Peeing Yoga 1
Drinking Peeing Yoga 2

Another unique project with Sasa. All basic conversations are in English.

The meeting with Kayra during the pandemic

28.01.2025118:38 Minuten
The meeting with Kayra during the pandemic 1
The meeting with Kayra during the pandemic 2

A nice home session with wine. All basic conversations are in English.

Alex in good action

14.01.202591:22 Minuten
Alex in good action 1
Alex in good action 2

This is her second project @ YFZ with some visible effects. All conversations are in Czech.

YFZ Bonus - The Barbecue Party in Winter

07.01.202562:01 Minuten
YFZ Bonus - The Barbecue Party in Winter 0

Unterstütze uns und bekomme ZUGRIFF auf dieses Update.

Here comes another sensitive project with 2 amateur girls . All conversations are in Czech. Preview clips with amateur girls will now be technically modified to protect the models. The original recordings are only available for our members. It is strictly forbidden to distribute this movie in the internet.

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